Agree with many post in this thread
KD- I agree. I am a fan of CTG, and unfortunately if Richt goes, they all go. By the way, Congrads on the young one.
As far as CTG being a HC, I would rather have Richt right now. Saw guys playing hard and thats good. It was a step up from the year before. But, I also saw quite a few points on the board. Realize it was his first year, but the D was to blame for just as many losses as the O. CTG might be a real good one, one day, just wouldn't put my cards in it being today.
I am just sitting back for the time being, trying to keep a clear head on the coaching issues. I was a strong Richt backer for along time. Now, I would say I am neutral/more in the see Richt gone crowd. I am going to give him a chance though, because well, I have no real choice.
I am curious to see 3 things:
1. How we finish the recruiting class
2. How many off the field issues we have this year
3. Next year. Want to see if all the changes Richt is making will actually pay off. He is talking a good game right now. He is putting it all on the line recruiting, bringing in a nutritionist, new SC, bringing back past players, and claiming that his new job description will give him more time to focus on what he needs to be focused on.