Guess it is a good thing that O'Leary does not coach Tech anymore.
Defense gassed, offensive line got their butts whipped the entire game.
Could give a damn less about "wait until next year". Heard that for five or so years now.
Offensive line could not protect, probably one returning Olineman, BJ at center. Guess we will bring in 4 and 5 star athletes that will catch on quickly. Right?
Appeared to me that Richt felt he had to win this game. Well, McGarity I know what some other AD's would do. You just left UF after serving under Foley for 10 years. University of Georgia is not hurting for money, second most profitable football program in D1. Those numbers will fall with Richt at the helm. Check the empty seats next season.
Dropped passes, can't stop the run, can't run block, can't pass protect. Tackling, that is something that left UGA when BVG left.
Kirby . . . . your school is calling. McGarity, are you listening, if not, watch the season ticket sales.
Richt, you are a good man, a good man like Bobby Bowden. Please resign, accept what has happened and will continue to happen under your lack of leadership.
Many families like your recruiting methods. All of us want our kids to get the best out of life. Tonight you were beaten by a team that has 1 four star athlete. Amazing how the 2 and 3 star athletes kick our bottoms. Richt, is that because of coaching, if not, explain to the UGA faithful why this is happening.
Again, Richt, you were beaten on the offensive side and the defensive side. Opening kick off returned for a TD and called back.
Please leave, the things that have happened to you at UGA are small compared to what you are going to experience from here on out. The game has passed you by. Too many good athletes under your charge that have let UGA become a second tier team. Yes, we are that.
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