Buc, you're making me look too good!!!

If I could get Richt to listen to me on these things, McG wouldn't have to. Seriously, I, like you, believe that is where the impetus for change is coming from.
I still think Richt is too stubborn to listen to fans, and the media, and yes, other team's players. He doesn't care what any of us think because, in his mind, fans and media have never been in the arena and don't know what we're talking about, and other team's, well, he probably just chalks that up to smack talk.
I think McG has a different mindset. I think he realizes when media members are questioning Richt's decision to not do 2 a days and have light contact, then it becomes obvious it was a mistake, and fans and other player publicly point that out, well, I belive it was privately pointed out to Richt to do something. Same with the play calling. I could go on, but I think we all see it. It may take a while, but I think some of the changes we have been demanding will be made in the near future.