Buc, good article. This decision has just opened up the flood gates. There is also an article on ESPN.com. Stranger than Fiction is the title. I couldn't get it to paste.
I am just so amazed by this. Haden brings up a good point, and I think the NCAA is getting ready to get hammered, or USC is getting ready to have the punishments lessoned. One of the two has to happen. Also, saw last night on ESPN that Vitale deosn't understand how Newton remains eligible, but they won't rule the foreign basketball player elibible at UK.
What a path the NCAA has just opened up? Can see it happening regularly now. Yeah, I shopped my son, but hey, he didn't know anything about it. Neither did the school. What a joke.
So much for playing by the rules. Why should anyone play by the rules when they don't have too?