averagedawg wrote:
Barnhart is a disgrace to Georgia.
Grantham could never, in his wildest day, compensate for the complacent woose we have as a head coach.
CMR, the fans are pissed.
Maybe Adams and you should go to fairyland and elope.
averagedawg, have never made a secret of my respect for you, and others.
Last night the folks in Washington, D.C. had a huge message sent to them. Watching TV today, it is amazing how some of those folks want to do what many of us consider the right thing. Where were they for the past years (won't put a yearly number down) when everything was breaking down.
I compare the above paragraph to what is going on with our school now. Do they not understand, has MR gotten so caught up in his first few years that he thinks he can skate now?
He cannot lead in a conference (SEC) that is loaded with coaching talent. He is a offensive coordinator, or, once upon a time he was.
Someone has to explain to me why the coach cannot do everything. OK, will agree with some of that.
Here is the big question(s).
Why are we going further downhill this year?
Is it because we signed the wrong type of players?
Is it because our leader, MR gave up too much authority? Offense, Defense.
Is it because our program does not expect more from the "money maker", football? Watch the empty seats that are sure to follow if we stay on the present course.
Why are we playing at 12:30 p.m. instead of prime time.
Are our problems on the football field because we are hurt, injured, more so than other SEC teams?
Why can we not beat Florida in football? Is it the coaching or because we have to travel to JAX?
Why do we try and keep a running QB in the pocket, when we are afraid he might get hurt? Have anything to do with RECRUITING?
Should friends be coaches or should coaches do their jobs?
I will stop, but this program is not on course, and I don't need a song and dance when the program has been going downhill for 5 or 6 years.
Don't agree . . . . post some points and counter points.
One last statement. We can sign all of the top athletes in the State of Georgia, if we don't have the coaches . . . . . what? Don't think that the young men are looking at what and where we are at . . . hang on, might have some land to sell you here in Florida.