Question . . . what happpened to Marlon Brown? Maybe these 4 and 5 star athletes promoted by the talking heads are not up to their high rankings. First quarter he is lost, did not know where to line up, AM had to show him and he still was lost.
Compare the "stars" beside the athletes names, rankings . . . UGA is head and shoulders above South Carolina for many years if you are following the recruiting battles. What does that say about the sideline?
Too damn many arrests, rated #1 party school AGAIN. Athens is a nice place to vacation for 4 or more years, I guess.
Alabama turned its program around in quick fashion. Don't I wish we were in that category.
Tired of hearing that everything will be better next year.
Outstanding coach in the Carolina game, on the UGA side . . . . Coach Lakatos. Every coach participates in the tackling drills. Garcia looking for an open receiver all day. Next game with Arkansas, Coach Lakatos will shine unless Arkansas decides to run and not throw.