I'm fed up with this crap in Athens......
AJ knows better than to do what he did.....it was stupid and VERY SELFISH.
Listen, if he sold his jersey for about $150, then no big deal, that is a fair value and no harm done. He sold the jersey for $1000.......that's the same dang thing as a booster or an agent walking up to him and giving him a pay day. He knows better. The $1000 was well above fair value and he took the freaking money knowing it was totally illegal.
He could have "single-handedly" cost us the East title because of his selfish act of only thinking about HIS pocket and not how it could hurt the TEAM. This isn't a third string WR we are talking about here people......AJ is arguably the best WR in the country.......a top 5 draft pick.......and a freaking GAME CHANGER that we need to take the East title.
He wasn't thinking about his TEAM......he wasn't thinking at all. It's something every damn year.....just unbelievable and I'm sick and tired of these kids putting themselves first before the TEAM.
Bottom line......AJ put HIMSELF before the TEAM, probably cost us the East title and as far as I'm concerned, he can sell more jerseys for more dough, sit on the bench and wait for the NFL draft.
The kid is a DIFFERENCE MAKER........I don't believe anybody on this forum realizes just how important he is to this team. He literally can be THE difference in the East race. Congrats AJ........when the dust settles the next three weeks, I'm afraid people will see what I'm ranting about.
Pray I'm wrong......part of me is fed up and doesn't care.....