averagedawg, YOU hit the nail squarely on the head. Our concerns shouldn't be physical....we have the players, talent etc and don't worry SO much about the schedule.
THE BIGGEST downfall in ALL of sports is the \"mind\". If our players get all into the hype from all the press and people patting them on their backs, then they are in a world of trouble. Cockiness and overconfidence will beat your butt EVERYTIME. Small example.....remember when we finally beat UF in '97 and the next week we were off and everybody was patting the players on the back and telling them just how great they were? WELL, here comes Auburn and they took us out behind the woodshed and whipped our butts GOOD.....I mean a serious whuppin'. I don't envy the coaches on this matter, they will have a daily task of keeping these boys grounded.