dapolla wrote:
kentdaddy wrote:
Wait....................an athlete with an attitude and sense of entitlement that makes the athletes parent feel like they also have a sense of entitlement? I cannot believe it.
I am going to go out on a limb and ask if this athlete and his mom are of the same skin color as Mike Vick?
Would it be going out on a limb to ask what skin color has to do with it? I'm fairly sure that Mitch Mustain and the Bowman child are not of the same skin tone, but they seem to be acting the same way, as are their parents.
No, I think it is a valid question............................
Ok, growing up in and around Atlanta we lived in predominantly black areas because it was cheaper. Bear with me...........First hand experience at the time in sports showed me that parents of young black kids were more likely to be a royal pain in the ass. Now after more growing it is clear that race is not the determining factor, but rather socio-economic standing.
The culture of entitlement is not the problem of the black communty or the white community. It is everyones problem. My brother is a part of it and he is smart. He just hung around the wrong people and no feels the world owes him.
As an example of how a culture can paint a race in a bad light take for example hip hop / Urban warrior culture. This culture was created by black people, but many whites, latinos and asains also take part. However if one were to watch professional sports only black players it seems are so involved in this destructive culture that it ruins careers. See Pacman, Tank Johnson, Ray Lewis, Mike Vick, Rae Carruther, Chris Henry etc.
The problem is cultural and not racial and I felt the need to clear up my thoughts lest I be branded a racist and be picketed by Jesse and the boys.