“I feel it’s like any team,” junior tight end Jeb Blazevich said last week. “There’s going to be guys that you need to focus on, there’s going to be guys that are trying to focus others in. I once heard a coach say when I was being recruited: ‘Eighty percent of the guys are going to follow the other 20 percent.’ … I think they’re woken up by now, the 80 percent is going to follow the two 10 percents, whoever are loudest. So we’re trying to be the loudest ones, drown out these guys, weed these guys out. And then we have everybody on board on the same page.”
Stevedawg, believe the above was mentioned on Dawgs.com a short time back. There are definitely some that did not want a coaching change.
Kirby, keep playing those recruited by you and your staff prior to the 2016 Season. This is the "stuff" that continued in Athens for too many years. Having a strict policy in Athens, maybe there is more to playing football for UGA than a "strict policy". Everyone attending college wants to have a good time, there are however . . . . rules.
Lorenzo Carter said it, now Jeb Blazevich repeats what Carter said.