Have listened to Head Coach Kirby Smart's every word that the public/fans are exposed to.
Coach Smart is not a “me” man. Most of what I read coming from Kirby is about “others”. Others meaning coaches, ex-coach, and players.
Kirby Smart is described by everyone that has anything to say about him as passionate about more than Saturday football.
Kirby truly cares about the individual. Most of the comments are from players that have either played for/under him, or players that are on his recruiting schedule. Couple of highly rated players chose Alabama over Georgia in the last recruiting cycle. After choosing Alabama every player that Kirby Smart had been involved with said it was a very tough decision.
Speaks volumes about what “WE” as Wartdawg describes us in another thread having every right to expect from Smart and Company.
Finally we have a head coach that is on a “mission”. Kirby knows what is expected. One thing that I know for sure . . . . Kirby had many offers to go elsewhere. Got down to the last minute and this fact is known . . . . wanted to return to Athens, but was on his way to accepting the South Carolina job. It was time to stop the “stuff” going on within the “Group”. Quite frankly the Group knew that Kirby Smart in Columbia would have been the cause of more empty seats in Sanford Stadium.
When it comes to money, easy enough to get the attention of those that are more about the money than the Saturday football game. Nothing wrong with making money, I like money, but I do not allow myself to be controlled by a Group that has one thing in mind, and that quite frankly is butts in the seats, which converts to money. Receiving mail from our University, campaign on to "send more money". Public Relations Group trying to make good use of the recent hirings in Athens. That is what they are there for, for the most part.
Interesting video, covers some ground.