DAWGtm, as you know several that post here have spent a lot of time on the keyboard trying to get opinions.
You make a very good point when you state what the media has offered us about the practices and the scrimmages that all have participated in.
Guess I have come to the point that "I" just have to accept the fact that another mistake was made by Faton Bauta. He chose to give it his all and apparently his all did not fit the comfort zone of those in charge. I have great respect for Faton and really wish that he would consider moving on.
Appears to me that if Lambert were to be injured, Ramsey would be the next quarterback up. Eason coming in next season, leaves little or no room for Faton and probably Ramsey if Greyson remains healthy.
Paid close attention to the video I posted and appears to me that Lambert will take off in a heart beat. Do know that Richt/Bobo both called AM on the carpet for that. Then I look at what happened to AM when he was mauled in the Auburn game, also in the Alabama game. Pockets can be a very dangerous place on the football field.
Takes me to this . . . . Richt wanted Bobo's replacement to be on the same page with him. My understanding is that there was a long conversation, face to face between Richt and Schottenheimer. Will be interesting to see whether Greyson Lambert will have his wheels removed.
Another player that I have concern for is AJ Turman. Apparently Thomas Brown is not satisfied with AJ at this point. Would not be surprised to see AJ leave, going to be hard for him to get playing time. Many young folks today ask first off in recruiting . . . . what about playing time for me. Not just running backs, linemen also.
Will say this . . . . Nick Chubb was quick to endorse Greyson Lambert. That in my way of thinking is a smart young man realizing that there was controversy at the quarterback position and many fans appreciate not only his play but using his head. Most players on the offensive side of the ball know that any one of the quarterbacks would fit in.
DAWGtm my disappointment is watching the way the quarterback position has been "handled" in the past, up until this season and seems we did a complete turnaround. Longevity no longer mattered.
Nick Saban wanted Ramsey real bad. Florida wanted Bauta real bad. Wonder what the feelings are with the two of them. Hard for young players, especially quarterbacks being moved back in the pecking order.