What should "WE" be working on???.....
How about,....not buying the hype! There are many unanswered questions, well covered herein...Even
IF we didn't have a rampant underachiever as HC, this seasons team is NOT one that I would label "world beaters". Use last seasons successes (?) as a baseline! We may be slightly better, or perhaps worse. "WE" should all work on remembering its just a damn game! A game played by amped up kids and coached by people that rarely meet all the expectations of their fan base! Enjoy the highlights to come, I suspect there will be many. Don't fret over the mistakes, Likewise I suspect there will be many!
Lastly, remember that "WE" have virtually no control of the season's outcome, or those hired to coach and recruit. Be thankful for another day on this blue marble!