Members of this board. If you read, or have read the link below, would like to hear what you think about the article after reading the entire piece.
This old fart has some opinions, but hard for me to understand why others are so "damn bold" on this board after a football game during the season and, are as silent as mice when the season ends.
Let's have an open "chat" here. If you choose not to, maybe you fit one of the options listed below.
I only post here during the football season.
I know a lot about college football, but don't post here because . . . . ?
Come to this and other sites to "hit and run".
In the article below, there is so much that can be discussed. I suggest to those that do post here, check the "silent types out". Better yet, check the names of those that suddenly appear during the football season and can tell everyone how the football program should be run "during the season".
Disagree with what I said above, "ball is in YOUR COURT". Sites like this one continue because the board members read and post here, for a REASON.
I would suggest to Steve that he not allow the "grumblers" that come two, three or four times a year and participate. Who knows, maybe Steve might get some help and move forward with those that have "nothing" to say, or think they are "all that".
You damn sure know who you are. Not going to be passive any more. I suggest to the "Boss" that he step up and move FORWARD.
I said that, and will move in any direction that "you choose" after reading this. Too damn old for some of the spit I read here and elsewhere.
Georgia is one "leader short at this point". Call names, yes I will, Mark Richt. Time to move on and look at the "rest of the program". Something that I believe is being done for this reason. Pruitt was hired and he does not kiss anyones butt. Said that too.
For those of you that are very good posters, you however get your feelings hurt, stay the hell away from me, and my opinions. Put your lips back in place and continue to pout. You are not someone that I would want on my team. You belong on a team that does not have coaches like Pruiit/Rocker and Company.
Go Dawgs . . . . Continue to coach'em up Pruitt/Rocker and Company.