McGarity says he is saving the money for a "rainy day". Bad weather came and went, and our team bussed to the Falcon facility. Lots of "leaks" in that thought process McGarity . . . . As you have mentioned, don't have to practice in an indoor facility "that much". News flash . . . . One or two games on the schedule needing the facility could be the difference in winning and losing a championship or major bowl game.
McGarity says this . . . .
From his desk, Greg McGarity is insulated enough that he claims not to hear the criticism, whether it be from fans, bloggers or others, that Georgia is not committed enough financially. Especially when it comes to the flagship football program.
Then this . . . .
“We’re not bound what other institutions are doing. We’re just bound by what’s good for our program,” McGarity said. “I would challenge to say what do they mean by cheap? Seriously, what are they referring to?”
An this . . . .
“We may have to dip into our reserve to pay that,” McGarity said. “People just think because it’s there we just spend it. It’s like a person’s 401(k): It’s there for a specific purpose, for a defined purpose, when you really need it, you basically go to your reserve if that’s your only means for providing facilities, (and) things of those lines.”
First off, it is very important that SEC Football is taken care of, and it will be. M&M will make that happen, just as they did when signing the contract with Slive for the SEC. By the way, seem to recall Disney putting a huge chunk of money in the SEC pockets that was not there prior to the agreement.
Makes me wonder this . . . . How did the other universities in our conference and some outside our conference build these "Indoor Practice Facilities" without Disney money? You really think and go along with the "arena talk", not a doubt in my mind, Sir.
Office on the top floor . . . .