Read an article in the Macon Telegraph, interview with Jeremy Pruitt. Recommend the article to all.
The one thing or one of the things that has really bothered me for quite some time is what has appeared to be a lax coaching staff.
Pruitt might fall flat on his face, however I doubt that. He definitely calls it the way he sees it. Nothing wishy-washy about the man. Also, don't think it is him being "bull headed", he comes from a background of hard work paying off. Pruitt is an example of that.
Rules changes by the NCAA allowing coaches and players to spend extra time together will pay dividends for every university, for sure our university. Allowing players and coaches to get together over the summer months will more than likely cut down on some of the foolishness. No doubt Pruitt/Rocker will be going eye ball to eye ball with the players. Those that want to play in the Fall know that they are under a different group of coaches, paying attention to detail means playing time.
From what I know about the defensive coaches, players check the BS at the door, football is the name of the game in this room. A few players have found out already that things have changed and choose easier paths. To me that is a very good testament to Pruitt/Rocker and company.
Coachng like we have now on the defense was long overdue.