yankeedawg1, I try hard not to say too much outside of threads that I create or am in agreement with. You make many good points in this thread.
Very difficult for me to look past some things that are continuing to be played out the same way, year after year.
When I see players on scholarship to the Unversity of Georgia, it bothers me when I (Buc) have more heart in our football team than those wearing the cleats.
The mess that has occurred can only be laid at the feet of those that are directors of the program. If there is a lack of leadership, we feel the consequences on Saturday afternoons in Sanford. Case in point . . . . JHC, there were many before him, but lack of leadership has prevented the message from getting through.
Coach Pruitt could be a very good thing for all of us that want to see change. The change that we are asking for has not been forthcoming for far too long. Like that hole in the road, along comes a crew and shovels some asphalt into the hole and rakes "over it". Has the repair been made? That is the last question that should be asked and answered truthfully.
Hoping that everyone up that way is getting some relief from a brutal winter. Remember them well, chickened out and headed south.