yd1....that sums things up pretty well.
Not many words in thought, just holding my breath with MUCH guarded hope and anticipation.
Take care of business tomorrow, no injuries and get ready for a BAMA that is going to be "angry", with a coach that feels very confident he can beat CMR and staff.....very confident.
Have to admit I feel Saban's confidence in his coaching abilities and am not sure we can absorb their methodical way on each side of the ball.....we'll see just how talented we actually are......do I believe we "can" win, yes but I also feel the odds are 1 in 5.
HEY.......I'LL TAKE THOSE ODDS ALL DAY LONG (especially after USC)!!!!
(yd1.....will have a celebratory cool one for you at about 3:15 tomorrow.)