I know this is SO off topic from DAWG talk here but it's not going to get better. Advice to all of my Dawgs friends, ARM YOURSELF and teach your wife to do the same. If you have kids old enough, teach them as well. Get your CWP!
Just a week ago, 3 thugs back a stolen van into a gun and ammo store. I know, I know, not smart on their part. But hey, look at what we're working with here Dawgs. The owner, living in the back of the store with his wife grabs an AR-15. He approaches the "suspects" as they call them, and heard one of them yell "kill the F****r"!!!
Result = 1 empty 30 round clip, 1 "suspect" dead, and 2 critically injured
My thoughts, and I know I wasn't there, he needs to spend more time on a firing range.