In actuality, I hope that all young athletes and middle-aged people in general understand the importance of getting therapy if you need it. Not that I want this to turn into a Benoit thread (in fact, if it does, Steve, please eliminate it), but the deliberateness, the calculating manner in which he carried out these acts and then deceived the WWE for three days, the fact that he placed Bibles next to the bodies...these acts don't suggest 'roid rage, they suggest a deep-seated insanity that finally bubbled to the surface.
Back to the thread. I sure am glad Vince is all right, aren't you? According to the article, the man is a workaholic. He's already back doing speaking engagements, and he just had a tumor removed from his throat! As Larry Munson once said about Herschel, \"Give the guy some rest!\"
Red and Black, Win or Lose