The Playing Rules Oversight Panel (PROP) has announced new rules for the 2012 football season. Most notable is that kickoffs will be from the 35 instead of the 30. Kick offs that travel into the end zone will come out to the 25 yard line. This is to promote more touchbacks. However, punts that travel into the end zone or fumbles that go through the end zone will be placed at the 20. This came from the Football Rules Committee which determined after reviewing that injuries occur more often during kick offs than in other phases of the game.
Another rule, a good move I think, when a player's helmet comes off he must not continue participating in the play. It will also be treated like an injury and he will have to sit out the next play. This would not be enforced if a player's helmet was forced off, as in a facemask or other penalty.
One other will be that a player can not jump over a blocker in order to black a punt. PROP proposed a rule similar to the leaping rule on place kicks that does not allow the receiving team to jump over blockers, unless the player jumps straight up or between two players.