growl wrote: The way I look at it, if you pay attention to all the crap the media writes about pretty soon it consumes you. Yes things happen that we arent happy with. I'd just as soon let the people responsible handle it and get on with football. It is a distraction,the same as an injury to a player,but,the team has to deal with it and win football games. If we do that who is going to remember three players who obviously did'nt want to be here bad enough to go by the rules. GO DAWGS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very valid point. Nothing irritates me more than hearing of our players who can't stay out of trouble. When will these guys learn that they have been given a wonderful opportunity most just dream about. Yes, they are in the spotlight and should act accordingly.
Too bad it is all about the $$$. Otherwise I say you screw up, you are gone. You may think that harsh, but if everyone took that approach it would get the message across.