I think we will one day look back and realize the turning point for our D was the post Vandy game incident. Not going to rehash who on this board was on whos side, but I will say that I was on CTG's side for showing his players that he had their back, and if someone will search that thread they can see for themselves who supported CTG and who criticized him, but that isn't my point.
Turns out, Jordan Jenkins parents POINTED TO THAT EXACT incident as a point when they realized how CTG would back their son. Others will do the same.
CTG will continue to get more quality players (Harvey-Clemons?). The offense is run by calm, soft people. Defense needs warriors, savages, meanness, killers.
CTG is the Patton of that defense. CMR is the Omar Bradly of the offense. (Please, I'm not equating football with war).
We are SO close to having a defense like the one qe saw with Bama the other night. Thank you CTG for standing up to that idiot baby at Vandy. When everyone dawged you for that, time will prove that you knew what you were doing the whole time.
My question: If you were in an alley and three punks were coming for you, would you want Patton or Bradley????