Buc wrote: Appears that UGA has that "Leadership" they have been looking for. The real deal with Jarvis, not just lip service. Believe that a lot of his leadereship will show itself on the offensive side of the ball as well. He had nice words for AM, talent recognizes talent. Belonging to the Corps you know how important the "Leadership" word is.
Hope all of your clan made it to the home forty safely. 
Buc, we always used the saying, "Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way". Appears that Jarvis is definitely ready to lead, Crowell definitely not. The problem is Crowell doesn't appear ready to follow either. So hopefully he will learn to follow, or get the hell out of the way.
Yes, everyone got in safely. Son flew in Weds, daughter came by train Thurs. So glad they are both here, though I have had to throw in a few jabs at my son about being allowed to come home from boot camp for Christmas! Army. Unheard of in the Corps.