Thanks to all who post here.
Differences of opinion are good for an honest debate.
Off the subject of football but something more important.
Twenty five percent of all the homeless in this country are military veterans. Half of those are VietNam vets.
As a baby boomer, I was one of the fortunate ones, I went to college, had a lot of fun, while others my age were living in hell, being patriots, fighting for this country. They came home to a country who treated them like criminals. Now many are homeless. An unfair war for the best of the best.
Please go to your nearest Veterans Hospital and donate all your unwanted clothes. Go to Volunteer Services. There is always a need for donations. Jackets, pants, shirts, especially shoes or boots. While you are there Thank a Vet.
Thanks to all the Vets here. I am forever humbled by your service.
Merry Christmas.