The University of Georgia Athletic Department has reported a few secondary violations to the NCAA. The AJC requested the information, apparently in hopes of belittling UGA for it, and found out that far from a serious infraction, they show what a great human being Richt is. Commenters from other schools on the two blogs are wishing they worked for Richt!
Another violation that was mentioned was that Todd Gurley's little 5 year-old brother was given two free meals during an official visit to UGA. The two meals totaled $21 and the Gurleys had to reimburse the school for the meals. The rule states that the recruit and his parents can be given free meals during the visit, but not siblings. (Guss they are afraid a 5-year-old is going to be influenced to enroll at UGA because of two free Happy Meals. Sheesh!
NCAA has gone way overboard with their rules.