sadlerdawg wrote: Thanks, all for the well wishes for my son. Buc, he is at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri now. Buc, i'm also reminded of the line from the movie A Few Good Men when Keiffer Sutherland said "I like all you Navy boys--any time we have to go some place to fight, you fellas always give us a ride."
Semper Fi, and Go Navy!!!!
We tried to be nice, even went so far as to pay you guys, didn't charge for those rides. Said it before say it again, think there should be a draft. Lot of the BS we see all around us would not be as bad. Know that son is a chip off of the "old" block and will have a special time in the service. Still laughing at Sutherland's line . . .
Sadlerdawg, God Bless your son. Will keep him in my prayers. I want to Thank all on this board that are serving and have served.
I will be watching the game, and hope the Bulldogs are required too. You want to see what effort and heart is supposed to look like on a football field. Watch this game.
AllDawgs5 wrote: Sadlerdawg, God Bless your son. Will keep him in my prayers. I want to Thank all on this board that are serving and have served.
I will be watching the game, and hope the Bulldogs are required too. You want to see what effort and heart is supposed to look like on a football field. Watch this game.