10-2? I don't care what kind of schedule it was, 10-2 > 6-7!!! This team has not only ripped my paper bag off, they've actually done what few teams do - win double digits. wlayton, pour me a HUGE glass of that RED and BLACK Koolaid!
I can't wait to read what a lousy team we are compared to LSU. I want LSU to have already won this game in their minds. I want them to be hoisting that crystal trophy over their heads every night. I want them to read their press and take it all in. Heck, when was the last time our starting tailback finished a game? Weeks ago. LSU has all those weapons. We have none. They have a smothering defense. Ours, while statistically good, is still untested against a "quality" opponent, and failed in it's only real test. Overconfidence. That's what I want. We have no chance . . . indeed.
If we beat LSU and they still play for the NC against 'Bama, and we win our bowl game, and Arkansas wins their bowl game . . . 4 of the top 5 teams from the SEC, anyone?