I heard the same thing from a reliable source a couple of weeks ago. Here's my post on this then.
We all know Katharyn is about to (or already has) graduate(d) from nursing school. Now, the rumor I'm hearing from is that CMR will resign after the end of the football season so that he and his wife can do missionary work in Central America. Hense, the sole reason for Mrs. CMR going through nursing school. It's not like she needs the money.
I was told that CMR is ready to move on from the stresses of college football to life of fullfillment that he enjoys. Which I assume means God, family, and missionary work.
Take all of this as rumor and I'm nor trying to start one. But after hearing this I did a few searches on the web and found some things that sort of go in line with all of this.
With that said, has anyone here heard anything on all this. Maybe I'm behind the rumor mill. Or ahead of it. I don't know.
What say you?
I'm hoping it's all garbage but my buddy has some pretty deep ties to UGA Athletics and he's not a rumor junkey by any stretch of the imagination. And that's what scares me. And now this article comes along.
I sure don't want to think we're going to face a transistion year in 2012 with all of the talent staying and coming.