Good Moring yankeedawg1.
Seems you covered an unusual amount of UGA football ins and outs, guess this time of the year and the turn around our Dawgs made, makes for good conversation.
Several stories out there about the hiring of Grantham, probably will never get the real inside scoop, and maybe that is how it should be. Big thing is someone saw the light and pulled a struggling UGA football program up by its boot straps, a program that was being compared to some of the lesser talent in the SEC for many years.
I have strong feelings that McGarity is the real reason that this program took a positive turn. He did not sit on mahogany row and wave a magic wand. Showed his brillance (if I am allowed that word) by sitting side by side with his head football coach and getting to the heart of the matter.
Hiring of Grantham I have heard come through VaTech and the folks that run that successful operation. Like it has been said, who knows, I like the results that I am witnessing on the defensive side of the ball. After all, this is the SEC.
Another promotion, not an out and out hiring was JTII. Have to believe that others had their hands in this decision. If I were a betting man

would bet that McGarity had his hands in this. First thing McGarity did was go through the football program from top to bottom and come away with suggestions.
Early in the year there were some saying things like . . . where are the results that we were supposed to be seeing with the new S&C coach and program. I leaned that way a little bit, was not sure. Reality showed up when the full effect of the program was allowed to mature. Remembering that many of the young folks that are doing well and playing this year are true freshmen or close to that. Good results are not always instant. Made my heart do flip flops after the Florida game and Muschamp's players were complaining about being out of the required "stuff" to play four quarters. Just "little" things that make old farts real happy.
Staying on that theme, Friend another new addition. Brought his hard hat and lunch pail to Athens and that might be the biggest turn around I have seen this year. If we notice the board posts, there was a lot of conversation about our least reliable group on this team. Looks to me that the fellows took that to heart and Friend said no more. More work to be done for sure, but when we see progress, not faltering and giving up as we did in our last game against UCF, good things will follow good coaching. Friend knows offensive linemen when he sees them, he was one. Serious talent headed the O lines way, Friend will develop them into one of the top O lines in the country, not just the SEC. Never met Friend, but sure as hell picking up his vibes here in Florida.
Guess what I am trying to say is this. UGA football needed someone to take charge and put this program back on course. If I look at the past, I did not see that leadership, and that is not to pp anyone off. I am looking at then and now. I will take the now versus the then.
Sorry to chatter so much in your thread, for the past few days have really been running off at the mouth, like what I see in some areas, looking forward to future progress.
Don't let Grantham get away. That is all.