DawgnLA, trying not to be overly dramatic, this is as big a game as we have played since the opener with Boise State. AU is a good football team, better than some think in my opinion. If we beat AU by the point spread, we have got something going on in Athens. I still communicate with AllDawgs5 in another medium. Today he sent me a game plan that I wish or maybe I should say hope is followed by our coaches. Tomorrow I will pay even closer attention to the game (if that is possible) to see how closely he came to pinning the tail on the donkey . . . eagle . . . tiger. I don't like Abuurn and what they got away with last year. Clearly the game was "home officiated". TRUTH. I seldom, or I try to seldom think of the home field advantage other than the ordinary 3 point give away. Do not like chop blocks and they will be doing that tomorrow if the chance presents itself, and it always does. Got a bunch in Nashville being taught from the same play book. You go Kwame.