There is one thing that continues to stick in my craw. Going to get rid of it now.
Urban Meyer flew into Florida and hit the ground running. The same day that he arrived, he wound up in the area that I live in and met with one of our Merritt Island football players. That really impressed a lot of people in the gator nation and right away he had the media kissing his feet.
Meyer came to a state that has an abundance of top athletes, in his case football players. He had a terrific run while in Gainesville, however the entire story has not been told, probably never will be.
There was and still are some problems with the young players acting up. Meyer chose many times to look the other way, and go away with it. He had the backing of the press.
Things began to crumble for Meyer a short time back, for the most part, the departure of Tebow was the final nail in the coffin. He had lost his offensive coach to Miss State, his co-defensive coach Charlie Strong to Louisville. Program started to crumble and then is when Meyer had health problems that led to his retirement. Funny thing about spending quality time with the family and away from the football field, never happened. He and Jon Gruden took the same path, ESPN pretty boys. Successful coaches. Time for your mental talents to be broadcast throughout the nation.
So, trying to keep this as short as possible, but those of you that are members know I can’t close the trap very easily.
Muschamp is hired as the new head coach at Florida. Only thing Texas had to offer was “head coach in waiting”. The team that Muschamp inherited from the Meyer group were players that did not fit into Meyer’s way of playing football. While there are many skilled athletes on the Florida football team, get this, the pieces did not fit. Meyer knew what was ahead, and true to his backbone, quit again. The point I am trying to make here is Muschamp is in charge of cleaning up Meyer’s mess. Plain and simply that. What does Muschamp do, goes for the pro style coaching folks to start his journey. Everyone has to start somewhere. I don’t like Muschamp for one reason, he should never have turned his back on the University of Georgia with some of his idiotic comments. He could have controlled his rhetoric and all would be fine except . . . He is a gator. There might have been times when I would have pulled for him to win, not now though, never.
OK, that last paragraph leads me to this . . .
We brought in a totally (TOTALLY) different concept to playing football between the Hedges. Grantham came in and anyone that thinks that the additions to the defensive coaching side are not his choices, guess we are on different wave lengths. 6-7 did not look very good, and on many boards saw folks hooting and hollering about Grantham being a bad choice. Did not do well in Cleveland, who the heck has done well in Cleveland with that ownership, check the record(s). FEW.
Our football team is not the best team in the SEC right now.
Well, our defense is rated pretty high on the national scale at this point. Know some say we have not played anyone, can’t agree with that, Boise State, South Carolina, beginning of the year many thought that Miss State was going to be a team to watch. Florida, we won by four points, not like we killed them, and at one point 17-3, had many not just upset, very upset. Yep, I am one of those.
Bring this to a halt, soon.
Appears to me that Richt is working hard to improve the offensive side of the ball. I see where we are going after those in the trenches that make wins possible. If our offense can improve on the same scale that our defense has under Grantham in his short stay, folks UGA could be more than a handful. I hope that we see a LOT of improvement on the offensive side this season. Think I saw some of that under first year coach Friend. Friend/Grantham on the same page, that could be a dynamic duo . . . . Batman. Hope all of you have a safe and friendly Halloween.