Buc wrote: Steve, one thing that has changed is our defense. I think we will continue to improve and be a tough bunch to line up against on Saturdays. Grantham and his coaches know what they are doing and the players are certainly buying into it. More and more that smile is returning to Erk's face.
If per chance you are referring to wins in JAX, I think so. Loved beating Muschamp, too bad that Meyer was sick and could not be in JAX this year. 
Have to add this to the above. Down my way we get the Muschamp show on the Sunshine Network. His opening comment this Sunday Morning was . . . . Georgia did not beat us, Florida beat Florida. He won't last long. gators that I know, and I know more than one, don't want this dude.
Did any of you by chance watch the mid-field meeting and hand shaking between Muschamp and Richt. I am ashamed to say that this piece of you know what has a degree from UGA.
Great hire Foley, this coach that is supposed to be leading your football team forward has now lost four (4) games in a row. Please don't fire him, he means a lot to our future in JAX.