born2bAdawg,there is no way that you could have been shouting louder than old fart Buc. Well, maybe, you are younger and have better set of lungs than I do.
The outcome worked for me. I truly like the way that our team stayed together and brought it home. Easy to post like this after the game is over.
born2bAdawg, I truly like the way that Grantham is putting this defensive side of the ball together. If he stays for a lengthy amount of time, UGA might be one of those teams that folks don't want to play against.
This Florida team that we played today was not the best, but they have athletes and they are not chopped liver. (one of my favorite expressions).
Somehow our school has to figure out how to move forward. I hope, and I mean this sincerely, the folks involved have joined hands and are together with a plan that makes all of us want to be on the same team.
Allow me this . . . I saw #6 knock two men down today on the same play, and on his way back helped both up, one was up not the other. ogredawg you said to us prior to Jenkins coming our way, he is a load. My Brother you were and are right. One more year with #99 and #6 . . . . . wow!!