born2bAdawg wrote: My gut feeling is that...No Richt won't take us all the way. I like the man and support him, but given the past teams we've had with the David's and MS with KM I just don't see it.
born2bAdawg, it is hard to say some things, especially when we are talking about the leader. This is what I know from being a business person for more than one or two years. The only way the force moves forward is if there is leadership. Everyone can't do that, sometimes it takes a period of time before all or some realize that.
Bobo is there because Richt put him there. If he (Bobo) is released tomorrow, where will he go?
If Richt is released tomorrow, he will be offered a job. Next time around, would he hire Bobo and Martinez?
Small things that I have circulating in my brain.