Many moons ago, SaxonDawg would post on a rival site with a written flare seldom seen. Saxon has long since ceased his vitrol, but a thread or two can still be found, for those so inclined.
With that thought in mind I give you NC's version of SaxonDawg for the Viles....
And it was written, to behold thy brethren, the mauled carcasses of those that would be called Bulldogs. Those putrid inferior canines of OUR recently conquered westernmost domain! How thy now rot, on the field of Dawgly Conquest. Victory, now thrice tasted, yea, the PEOPLE OF THE DAWG are now blood thirsty? And lo, we now settle our gaze north westernly! The People of the Dawg, the Manly Maulmeisters, shall come, shall see, shall exact forth the whoopfest upon those of the wailing rock topians.
But lo, tis the week of the Hickolian Hill People, who spawned the gravity challenged minions of Lulu and Junior! Come forth, thy baying Bray, whose riches earnethed thee against the weak and the meager. Thy felt the lizardly wrath of a dawged succling...THEY SHALL NOT AVOID THE WRATH OF THE RAMPAGING DAWGS? Come forth, and receive thy annual beating upon they Volleyballs! Fear us, you shall as you cower beneath the thin girth of the younger DooleyDawg, whose fraternal upbringing will escape thee!
Behold, it mattereth not who tweeted out among thy Crop of Craven Creamsicles. Bringeth forth thy broken namethed Da'Jerkly. Bringeth forth thy defenders to pursue Crowell of Dawged Crusades. The People of the Dawg smote thee feircely last year, with young warriors, now aged, battle hardened and hungry for Hickolian Hill meat! Many a year have the People of the Dawg smote thee with the rage of Richt the Righteous and the Hellish Havoc of the Hobnailed Boot.
Come forth to see thy urenge festering flesh ooze beneath pulverizing pounding of Dawgly Defense. And so it shall be that thy reeking orange entrails shall seep into thy muddy rivers of Obknoxiousville!...and suppurate upon the pig paths and hillbilly trails which thy mooing minions shall flee in chaos, Woe be upon those that singeth Rocky Top! The People of the Dawg will stand forth upon the high and rocky mount, upon thy ugly erector set by thy stankly muddy flow, howling at the moon, crying forth, "GO DAWGS!!!!!"
And go forth,....the People of the Dawg shall continue their pillage and rampage to rule the regions of the Southeastern Kingdoms forever and ever.
So sayeth SaxonDawg,.....Amen!!!!
"My advice to you is to start drinking heavily." - Bluto