The above posts rattled my gray matter and it comes out something like this. Spurrier turned his offensive play calling over to his son (his son) did not work, SS kept throwing the visor to the turf. What did he do . . . . took the job away from blood and is running the offense again. Did not win the SEC Championship last year, he did however get there. Don't really think I need to say much more. Will however . . . .
While Richt was not a starter in college or the pros, he was there and got to back up some fine football players. He spent a lot of time with the clipboard and in the film room. One of the reasons that FSU was so successful, he was doing things that college coaches were not up on.
One thing that Spurrier has made it a point to do is . . . . hire a defensive coach that understands (guess what) defense. BVG left UGA, signed on with Spurrier and left quickly for the Falcons. That did not stop SS, went out and found another specialist. Not crazy about SS, but he no longer is sneaking up on Richt, has beat him two in a row. Lucky or not, the score card is South Carolina 2, UGA 0 in the last two games. Their recruiting will probably pick up leaps and bounds if they again win the East. Florida has to play in Columbia this season.
Lots of talk prior to Grantham being hired at UGA. Think the name mentioned most on this board was Kirby Smart. Saban sat him in a corner and said Kirby when you leave here, don't make a move left or right, move up.
I talk too much. averagedawg, Richt will finish this year. With the schedule and the amount of talent on hand, this group could turn some heads. Might win in spite of coaching, athletes can do that. Bobo and Richt on AM's butt about staying in the pocket, leaves little doubt why we need a serious coaching change.
One more thingy. Don't care how many tight ends we have, better play Rome, and start right now.