if you would give CMR more time if he won the SEC? There were mixed opinions. Its been a few days and im sure some tempers have calmed so I would like to ask this...I gave it a lot of though the last few days and i came to the conclusion that if CMR would get rid of Bobo then a year or 2 would be tolerable. Seems that we were on top of our game as a entire unit when Richt was calling the plays and shortly after...we sustain drives and our d was on the field to much. I really really like Richt so to call for his head, well, its been real painful for me! With the way this generation is being raised by most i wouldnt want any other coach for our program! So if you guys sit back and actually think about all the complaining about Bobo we have done over the years...its the logical answer right? I dunno...just a though. Im asking you all to sit back and actually think about it though. And if you agree...stop calling for Richts head and shift the hate towards Bobo. All ive been reading everywhere is Bobo's an idiot, turning from plays that are working, etc, etc. Its the same thing everywhere you look. In those same post its CMR sucks, He's gotta go, hire Mullen, or even Meyer (WTF!!!) If we hire a new coach...recruiting will definitely suffer for at LEAST 1 year. Richt has 2 or 3 left on his so lets get the movement going to get rid of Bobo and let Richt get someone new in to finish his contract. Who knows...maybe he will impress and get an extension.
Dont forget...this same calm, cool, collect, seems to have no care in the world guy you all hate now is the same guy you loved a few years back
Goooooo Dawgs...Sic'em...Woof Woof Woof!!!