Havent posted much lately, because, frankly there hasnt been anything I can say that you all dont already know...
Im tired. Im sick and damn tired of settling for mediocrity. I was at the game saturday, and have to admit. It was one hell of an exciting game to watch in person. Sometimes you miss alot on tv, and I have it DVR'd to go back and watch. I believe it was around the middle of the 3rd quarter when my entire section started w/ the "BOBO SUCKS" chants. Not proud to say, but I participated in the spewing of negativity, and DID NOT feel bad about it. This program deserves better. END OF STORY. I respect CMR, but it's time for a changing of the guard. He has more important things in his life to worry about than UGA football, and it's obvious. That's fine, we all have priorities in life, but its NOT FAIR TO THE KIDS who go out there and bust thier ass for you every single Saturday. I dont think Richt will ever step down on his own accord. Who would when you're pulling those types of paychecks? I wouldnt. GMc want to make a name for yourself as the new AD? DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE. Enough pussyfootin around. This is f'n GEORGIA for cryin out loud......Im just tired.
If my shortening of the curse words offends you I apologize. I could say alot worse...