I guess now that SS has won 2 in a row, it will be like it was when he was at FLA. I guess we will lose the next 4 or 5 games to USC since SS has some kind of vodoo on UGA.
It took him awhile to start getting talent to come to USC, so now that he's getting that, USC will be the new Fla. We still can't beat Fla, no matter who is the coach and now we want be able to beat USC.
I wish how some body with a little sence can't see what Fla continues to do to us, and now what USC is starting to do. How can they not blame the lack of coaching, or having a coach that really doesn't know how to be a coach. We are slowly becoming the vandy of the SEC.
I think we gave a valent effort, and should have won, but it was no close due to our coaches in my opionion, these players wanted this win, and if they would have had a decent OC, we would have win hands down.