Whoever we hire better be a dyed-in-the-wool-born-again ATHEIST! I'm a Christian who wants to see a fire breathing, hate filled, horn wearing, foul mouthed, red skinned and black hearted, CARD CARRYING member of the Madeline O'Hare fan club prowling the side lines. I'm sick of having a fellow Christian putting my faith out there as if it creates football teams, just to humiliate me not ONLY because I'm a UGA graduate with two degrees from my beloved school, but also because I have to hear people equating Christianity with LOSING football.
At this point, I don't care if they quit having the after-the-football-game prayer meeting and substitute a virgin sacrifice to the freaking VOID at mid-field. Let's win some football games.
But it won't happen this year.
BTW. I'm sick of CTG, CMB and CMR. Grantham didn't impress me this weekend, not one little bit. I heard he got fired up after someone said they gave up against UCF. Maybe they didn't, but if this weekend was their best effort, then hang ALL of the coaches out to dry. Grantham didn't do his job either. Let's start over from scratch.