Might be a little late saying this, surely do not want to take away from tonight. Read where Bobo would be calling the plays from the booth. Checked a couple of sites that I find to be reliable, guess Bobo is topside.
Point I am trying to get to, we are about to see a huge change in the play calling. Richt has felt the pressure and he is going to take over the absolute play calling again. Bobo is the spy in the sky, Richt is hands on tonight fellows. About damn time. I believe that the change has happened. Took a while on the WM thingy, also on the Bobo thingy. This is the biggest game in Richt's coaching career, at UGA. I totally disregard the press garbage about this being another game. Not so.
There is something to be said when the Head Coach is in your ear on the sideline. You folks know exactly what I am talking about. Watch the sidelines and where #11 is tonight . . . . stepping on Richt's shadow, if there is a shadow in the stadium. Richt is leading the offense again, Grantham is the man on the defensive side.
No excuses. wlayton and BulldogShannon, said earlier this week, UGA by 14. One suits me. We now see how much JTII's offseason workouts pay dividends. Talent is dressed out in the Nike Red.
One question to you guys . . . . who are the Zebras working the game tonight. . . . very important.
Your time to shine Richt. Same can be said for you Grantham. I think this game is won not only on talent, coaching definitely comes into play tonight. Coaching will be the difference, in my opinion.
Most excited I have been for an opener in many years, maybe ever. Hard on us "old farts". . . . .