I welcome our new friends from Boise. We like to have intelligent football conversations and having them with rivals makes it fun.
BUT.. I have seen smack talk developing in some threads with the Boise guys. I had to delete an entire thread that had nothing but smack in it.
WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? Smack talk junks up the message board and attracts people that can't have conversations. Then I have to spend time cleaning it up.
Dawgs, don't take the bait and make me work too hard. Just report them and we will be done with it. Rivals, please enjoy your time here and resist your temptation to say something that gets smack talk started.
But, even as a dawg, I thought the comment about doing the dawg walk with our tail tucked was funny. But it will never happen.
Keep your sense of humor,laugh and have fun.. but NO smack talk threads. OK?
For winning the Natty give every Dawg a bone AND prime rib steak.