I was in Athens again yesterday for the picture day and went out to eat with my friend afterwords he says they've been watching A LOT of film already and working hard on a certain area of the field there going to attack. He praised MM and IC VERY much and says they haven't had a running back like IC sense KM. He stated about MM is his speed and ups. He can't go up like AJ but he not to far off from being another AJ. He also states the D is very much improved and thinks this is going to be the break out year for several D players.
I proably wont have any more updates til Sept 2nd when I meet up with the guys in the A.
I also forgot. I have never brought up why they lost some games last year to him but I was joking with him about going to the National Championship game and he said "if they will call the right plays and not be so predictiable (spell check) that they have a good chance of making a run for it if they can get by the first 2 games"
I laughed and said your not the only that thinks that.
He says several players have brought it up in meeting but a certain coach does nothing about it.
OC and DC should have "open discussion meetings" every week and let the players have a say, right or wrong. They are on the field and can see and feel tendencies, flows and instinctive things the coaches can't see sometimes. Open voiced meetings could be very productive provided the players know they won't get chastised for bringing ideas up.
Feedback is ALWAYS a good thing IMO........right "Bozo Gotta Go Go"??
OC and DC should have "open discussion meetings" every week and let the players have a say, right or wrong. They are on the field and can see and feel tendencies, flows and instinctive things the coaches can't see sometimes. Open voiced meetings could be very productive provided the players know they won't get chastised for bringing ideas up.
Feedback is ALWAYS a good thing IMO........right "Bozo Gotta Go Go"??
wlayton, good stuff Brother. I know that Erk promoted what you said above. Erk had too much VD in his way. On the mark my friend.