DawgDoc have sent you a couple of messages, don't seem to get a return. I have read your posts and thought I would try to help.
There have been times when I could not figure out how to move around on the computer, frustrated the heck out of me. So, went to my son on occasion and daughter also. These younger folks know how to move about with the new fangled electronic stuff. It is very hard for anyone to help with the questions you are asking if they are not in the room with you. I have to believe that you have someone close that can come on board your computer and fix the things you want fixed. Hell, it could be your computer.
Don't like to hear that you like things a certain way, with exclamation points. We are all on the same side, take a deep breath, ask for help and I bet you will feel better. If not DawgDoc, take two aspirin and sleep on it. Your friend, Buc.