yankeedawg1, a bit slow this morning punching the keys. Agree with wlayton that you make excellent points. There is a reason for that, anyone reading your "Friday Blue Plate Special" can feel the sincerity in your statements.
Do want to make one point that I have not seen mentioned in any of the posts. Bobo did say that he maybe did not use good judgment when AJ was out. Almost feel that he was succumbing to some of the pressure I am sure he feels along with others in Athens.
Bobo in effect said that he either did not know or did not have the confidence in the other players to effectively use them. I am not jumping on Bobo, simply saying what I think was an apology being presented for last years disaster. As the offensive coordinator, he more than any other person/coach on the team has to know the capabilities of everyone that he allows on the turf. Maybe Bobo grew an inch after making a statement like that. I hope so. Not going to jump up and down, just pay closer attention to his every move this season.
Thinking maybe this will be a catfish and oyster weekend, and probably tilt one or . . . .
To you and all on this board, have a great weekend, and remember this . . . Coach Them Up!