
Possible new uniforms for the Boise St. Game?

13 years 7 months ago #36940 by Buc
OldSouthDawg wrote:

That is just an AWFUL look. If aint broke dont fix it. Worry bout the game plan dont change the uniforms!!!!!! :angry:

OSD . . . . ESPN, Nike and the rest are dictating how and when we play football, now apparently what we wear. Not really crazy about all of the changes. I understand that I am an old fart and the game has probably passed me by, especially since I see these young men wearing their shorts close to their knees. Mullets or heads shaved with emblems and not crew cuts or flat tops, yes sir, yes ma'am, showing respect not only to people around us, that same respect should be shown to college football.

College football every year gets just a bit dirtier. What happened to values, think I have an answer for that. MONEY. What is the single biggest issue we have facing college sports . . . MONEY. What is our problem with education being a priority, MONEY. Take a close look at the Atlanta School System . . . MONEY.

College football is on a slippery slope. We have different FOOTBALL SCHOOLS saying that they did not understand the rules. The fault lies with someone beneath the President or Athletic Director. I believe that it will come crashing down, and we will see the ESPN's (ever expanding) Nike's and others taking away and shoving the game we love down our throats. No different than what is going on in Washington, D.C. They stole the MONEY we paid in all of our lives and now they want to tell us that we have to put it back. Lots of younger folks post on this site, you will get your chance to explain to your children the issues that I have mentioned above.

NFL, sitting on 9 billion not million dollars, and what is the problem? Neither side can or will use common sense. It is all about them. Build these Roman type stadiums for us through your tax dollars. Piss on you Arthur Blank. Keep pushing those wheel chairs with Vick comfortably situated. Long and short of this supposed NFL strike. College football is close to starting up. THEY the NFL know that once the college game starts, folks watching their BS will wane. They will settle . . . . why? The real game of college football (once upon a time) starts and no one gives a damn about greedy Jerry Jones/Arthur Blank types. The NFL is being pressured to settle for what reason . . . . MONEY. What a damn joke.

I apologize to everyone on this board, just have had my fill of BS. Look closely, it will touch you soon enough.

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13 years 7 months ago #36941 by Buc
DawgDoc wrote:

:( :( :( What God terrible looking uniforms. I am most assuredly a traditionalist. I even did not like the red helmet, wanted the old silver helmets, red jerseys, silver britches and black high top shoes. Dooley messed things up with white pants and red helmets. If they are going to wear that Niki garbage I refuse to watch the game on TV, let alone go down to the Dome and I have tickets. I love the University of Georgia, but hate the course this athletic dept. is heading. I don't want to be negative, because that's the reason I stopped posting on this board. Too much negative stuff going on. Change the uniform and they have lost my support and good wishes. But I still want them to win.
As always, GO DAWGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blush: :blush:

Many on this board do not know you, one of the originals. Really glad that you are back, and if they don't like negative, maybe Russ will hike his leg on them. DawgDoc, I sincerely hope that you are back. . . . . no one wears the colors any better than you do. Also, like the Spot Built High Tops . . . :)

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13 years 7 months ago #36944 by wlayton
Always want to hear what DawgDoc has to say.......much wisdom we can learn from (though he's not that much older than me). :woohoo: :woohoo:


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13 years 7 months ago #36945 by GaBoi
If its only for one game to let the kids have some fun im ok with letting them wear something different. however for the better part of the season it better be the traditional uniforms otherwise we are becoming something were not. a gimmick! that being said...that pic is god awful! just my $.02

Goooooo Dawgs...Sic'em...Woof Woof Woof!!!

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13 years 7 months ago #36949 by wlayton
GaBoi wrote:

If its only for one game to let the kids have some fun im ok with letting them wear something different. however for the better part of the season it better be the traditional uniforms otherwise we are becoming something were not. a gimmick! that being said...that pic is god awful! just my $.02

Actually believe for the annual CF "kickoff game" of the start of the season, Nike is establishing this uniform thing as a yearly fun show case thing. Anything beyond a yearly kick off game is not good for me.


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13 years 7 months ago #36974 by Buc
There seems to be some question as to the uniforms to be worn by the UGA/Boise State teams in Atlanta. Site below seems to have the information. Other interesting notes on attendance and other aspects.

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