duck, first off you don't have to apologize for slapping the wrong keys. Think we need you on the football field slapping some of the folks around . . . .
You are negative for a reason, and as you said in an earlier post this week, seems more and more of us are getting tougher on issues facing UGA.
Sometimes people are hired and put in the wrong slot. Happens in every business that I have ever been associated with. All one has to do is look at what is going on in Washington, D. C. Same rules apply there, they do whatever it takes to get re-elected. Coaches and Athletic Directors do the same. Some get caught with their girl friends panties down. At least they were RED. I will cut him some slack on that point.
Looks like we are in a catch twenty-two. Something like which came first . . . the chicken or the egg.
There is no doubt in my mind that some of the young men that told Richt last night that they wanted to commit know what is in store for them when they actually put their signature on paper and are commited.
John Theus has a brother at UGA, Nathan Theus, we can bet our boots that John knows what is in store for him training wise with JTII. I don't think that you are knocking on JTII, if that is the case you and I could have a discussion, at your pleasure. Also, sold on Grantham, he is a no nonsense slap you in the chops coach. No different that Erk, in my opinion. As you said, want to see the athletes play the game, no time for whinning. It is going to be impossible for any ANY of UGA's coaches to ease up, especially after many of these young pups have spent so much time with JTII. Do I think that JTII is turning this program around, I damn sure do.
Richt slips this season, he knows that the curtain will close after Act I and there is little chance that we will see Act II.
We can call it any way we want, some serious athletes put their hats in the UGA Ring. Everyone on this board cares about our football team, some of us have different views on how to turn this mess around.
One more thing, if Clowney gets the same result on the football field in college that he did in high school. That is scary. Maybe Clowney will have to go through Glenn and Figggins, don't think he is that good, I would bet that he gets a fat lip.