ogredawg wrote:
Buc wrote:
stevedawg wrote:
Red Shirt will be the newbie forum.
DawgnLA, Good one. 
Have to be quick to out think those LA Dawgs!! Not sure if that LA is California or Louisiana. Really like the choice Steve and . . . .DawgnLA. 
hahahhaaa Buc he is my son.....when I told him about this site he was living in Louisiana hence the LA maybe he should of done it La.......anyhoo he is now living back up in Tennessee amongst all that (ugh) orange.....
ogredawg, somehow have the feeling that DawgnLA could probably chop someone's legs from beneath them. Hate chop blocks, however, we all need to be armed. Your son is definitely armed. Really do like the Redshirt Forum suggestion. Steve might need to copyright that one.