Good Morning All,
I have been out of town the first part of the week on business. Froze my tookus off in Raleigh. Not much better here in Athens today. Forecast has us back in the upper 80’s first part of next week. Can’t be to soon. 28 years in the south has made me a wimp when it comes to cold weather. Age plays big part also.
I heard all kinds of carping about what’s wrong with Georgia football from a bunch of ACC dim wits. They did not say anything that was not true, when you go 6-7 and lose like we did in our bowl game you can expect being jawed at.
There is no doubt in my mind that we as fans have heard it all time and time again, our players have not missed out on the drumming coming from all corners when it comes to how we have fallen on hard times.
I share the below from the rivals website:
Head coach Mark Richt has already stated that he plans on having the freshmen train together as a unit before breaking off into their respective positions, something incoming lineman David Andrews said will benefit the team long term.
"I think that will help us, because as a class I think we need to stick together and do things together," he said. "If we stick together, work out, hang out together, then we'll stick together on the field. I think it's going to be big to have that kind of accountability, bonding and everything else that goes with it."
This seems like a very minor tweak, however I can see some real positive benefits for this group in the future having completed Boot Camp together. I like !
The more I hear about the under the radar stuff CMR is doing the more I think he has us headed back from the dark side. Time and results will tell.
Have a great weekend,pause and give thanks. Stay well and safe this coming week. As always “GO Dawgs”!!!!!
Go Dawgs!